Exam Regulations


1.         Eligibility

All students who are registered for courses in a given semester are eligible to sit for examination in those courses except students in the following categories:

  • A student who is absent from the University for more than three weeks without official permission.  Such a student shall normally be deemed by Senate to have withdrawn from the University; and
  • A student who fails to attend up to 80% of lectures

2.         Instructions to Candidates

  •  Every candidate shall:
  • Be admitted into the examination hall only on the production of the University identity card and other document (s) that may be prescribed from time to time by the University management;
  • Ensure that he/she acquaints him/herself with and adheres strictly to the instructions governing examinations in the University;
  • Ensure before the commencement of any examination or test, that nothing incriminating is found on his/her person or on materials he/she legitimately brought into the examination hall;
  • Conduct him/herself in an orderly manner and obey all the instructions of the Examiner/Invigilator; and
  • Not be engaged in or attempt any other manner of examination malpractice.
  • Candidates are not expected in the examination hall earlier than 30 minutes before the commencement of each examination.  They are also advised to keep strictly to the seating arrangements.  Under no circumstances should candidates remove chairs arranged in halls used for examination purposes.  Candidates who need special identification must come to the hall at least 45 minutes before the start of an examination.
  • Candidates should report punctually at their examination venues.  Candidates arriving later than an hour for an examination may be refused entry into the examination hall.
  • Candidates must bring with them to the examination hall their own ink, pen, ruler, erasers and pencils and any materials, which may be permitted by these regulations (as stated hereunder).  They are however, not allowed to bring any books or papers, except those that may be permitted or provided by the department responsible for the examination being held.  They are to ensure that lecture notes, textbooks, jotters, bags or any unauthorized materials or aids etc. are not brought into the examination hall
  • GSM, mobile telephones, or equivalent handsets/devices/equipment/gadgets/ ARE NOT ALLOWED in the examination hall.
  • Communication of any kind between candidates is strictly forbidden during examination.
  • Silence must be observed in the examination hall.  The only permissible way of attracting the attention of the invigilator is for the candidate to raise his/her hand.
  • The use of scrap paper is not permitted.  The rough work must be done in the answer booklets, crossed neatly through and submitted along with the answer booklets/scripts.
  • Candidates must use their Matriculation Numbers for the examination, and not names.
  • Except for the question paper, candidates are not allowed to remove or mutilate any paper or materials supplied by the University.
  • Candidates shall not normally be permitted to leave the examination hall during the first and last 30 minutes of any examination.
  • At the end of an examination, candidates must remain seated while the invigilators go from row to row to collect answer scripts.
  • Candidates are required to sign against their Matriculation Numbers on the Attendance Register at the beginning of the examination and when submitting the answer booklets/scripts.

3.         Instructions to Invigilators

  1. The invigilators shall search candidates before they are allowed into the examination hall.
  2. Invigilators shall normally allow the candidates into the hall ten (10) minutes before commencement of the examination and to sit according to their Matriculation Numbers.  Blank answer booklets shall then be distributed.
  3. Invigilators shall ensure that candidates bring only authorized materials into the examination hall.  Bags, books and other candidates
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